I cannot believe it! I’ve spent all day on this annoying little deficiency (of cURL php library) that wouldn’t let me POST multiple files to remote API.

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I had been doing quite a lot of sys administration lately, for fun and professionally. I like adhering to standards and keeping things in respective directories.

The document that describes filesystem hierarchy standard, is quite big. Yes, I had to read it to put my OCD at ease. But here is the cheat sheet for you!

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I’m pretty sure canonical had its reasons to make ubuntu iptables rules non-persistent by default. I can imagine situation when playing with rules could result in forcing yourself out of ssh connection. But, this non-persistence is annoying when you have rules set up the way you want it…

Fortunately it is very easy to “fix” this.

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There are many ways to generate self signed certificate, but this one is the easiest…

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Nothing beats wasting time, coding random bits and pieces.

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There are number of situations when you want to create 1 common subdomain for all hosted domains on your server. For example when you want all projects/domains to have webmail access, like so mail.domain1.com, mail.domain2.com etc.

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Here is how to make your site multilingual using gettext and php.

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I understand, English is de-facto language of the web, and clients rarely need multilingual web apps, but not including gettext in the stock php installed on mac is just silly.

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I just wasted fair amount of time configuring memcached on my mac development machine. It should have been easy, but it was not. So I’m going to document my steps which led me to a working configuration. Some of these steps might be unnecessary.

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